Blog · April 26, 2023

How to Be a Calm Leader During a Crisis

While every leader boasts their unique management style and personality, calmness is one of the essential qualities that they should never luck. Leading others can be challenging and demanding, especially during a crisis. Leaders who execute their duties calmly are successful at work, and in general life matters.

Maintaining calmness as a leader boasts several benefits to an organization, including establishing trust between team members and their leaders, improving performances, and enhancing job satisfaction. Hopefully, you’ve grasped various ways of becoming a calm leader for your job and sanity. You can always engage in further management courses whenever you feel unconfident about your leadership style and personality

If you’ve been looking forward to becoming a calm leader, try these six tips and watch everything unfold positively.

1. Practice Active Listening

As a manager, you can only make sound decisions through actively listening to various issues, especially ones that could attract crises in the organization. Besides helping you request clarification on points you might have missed, active listening enables leaders to learn new information concerning the scenario.

Additionally, team members are likelier to share their thoughts more freely and honestly with active listeners than their counterparts. Active listening can result to calm leadership thanks to critical approaches and understanding of problems.

2. Leadership Development

If there’s a thing that never goes out of style in leadership is learning. You should always seek to become a more significant leader by undertaking further development opportunities, regardless of how qualified and experienced you are.

If you’re not sure about a particular scenario, it’s good to let your team members know and delegate the responsibility to another leader who can handle the issue. Simultaneously, you should sit back and relax but seek to acquire more knowledge concerning such frustrating situations for the sake of the future.

Leadership development increases your team member’s confidence in you and boosts their satisfaction with the job. Plenty of leadership development courses can be offered physically or online at an affordable fee.

3. Understand and Control Your Emotions

While it’s natural to let out our emotions through anger and restlessness, especially when faced with frustrations, leaders must tame their feelings and respond to different situations calmly. One of the units in various leadership courses is how to control one’s emotions as a leader, no matter how unpleasant a problem feels.

If you haven’t encountered such a unit, enrolling in a part-time or online class would be essential as it offers critical details and guidance.

Controlling one’s emotions starts with understanding possible triggers in your line of duty and addressing them early enough before they become a disaster. Additionally, you can take a deep breath before reacting to bad situations to offer yourself enough time to think and answer calmly.

4. Mind Your Health

Calmness in leadership starts with taking care of yourself as a leader before you can execute your powers to your team members. You can take care of yourself by having enough rest, drinking adequate water, engaging in activities that enable you to relax your mind, and taking breaks from work to recharge.

Delegating job responsibilities is also a way of taking care of oneself as a leader, relieving you from huge workloads and stress. Otherwise, coming to work with tired eyes or a fatigued body due to lack of enough sleep or constantly working without breaks will only have you deliver agitation, restlessness, and violent responses at work all day.

You can encourage self-care among your team members by leading as an example, preaching self-wellness throughout the year, and giving them time to rest from work.

5. Practice Good Communication

Good communication and leadership will always go hand in hand, regardless of the industry you’re focused in. As a leader, you should automatically be armed with practical communication skills to deter conflicts and misunderstandings that could easily take away calmness in leadership.

Good communication in leadership involves listening actively, minding body language, confirming messages before delivering them and thinking before you speak. Also, you can be fluent in your speech, show empathy and understand your team members. That way, you will significantly acquire and maintain calmness in leadership.

6. Have Positive Attitude

As a leader, your attitude towards your responsibilities, team members, and other managers is vital in executing your leadership. That’s why keeping a positive attitude when guiding others, giving orders, and receiving recommendations on various issues is crucial. A positive leader cares about the wellness of their team members and helps them enhance their personal and professional strengths in different fields.

Positivity also impacts how you react to various situations, especially those that appear challenging and impossible to everyone else.

Above all, as it’s said, “You’re what you attract.” Maintaining a positive attitude in leadership automatically gives birth to similar team members, departments, and co-leaders, reducing the chances of crisis in the organization.