Blog · April 18, 2023

5 Best Gift Ideas for Grieving Friend

Death, unfortunately, will always be a part of life. Whether it has been expected or came randomly, we can never really be prepared for losing a loved one, and we sympathize with all those who have lost a loved one. Whether we lose a loved one, a pet, a job, or even a way of life, grief can be a deeply painful and isolating experience. 

Grieving is a difficult, non—linear, tumultuous experience filled with setbacks and ever-so-slightly brighter days. No single grief journey will be the same as the other, which is something to celebrate as that means that no single person who lived affected others around them in the same manner.

Sometimes, being there for a friend who has lost somebody can be difficult. Unsure of what to say, we can often avoid the conversation altogether, making the grieving process for them even more difficult than it already is. However, one way to show our support and love for our grieving friends is to give them a thoughtful gift. 

A gift can provide a tangible expression of our care and concern, offering comfort and a reminder that we are not alone. Finding the right gift for grieving can be tricky because we want to choose something thoughtful, meaningful, and appropriate for our unique situation.

That is why we are here. Read on to find out the best gifts to give grieving people and how to show them your love and support during dark times.

Sympathy flowers

Sympathy flowers are a great way to show that you think of your friend during these dark times. Flowers can brighten a space, which can be especially helpful while grieving. We know they can not heal all, but it helps bring a sense of peace of beauty. 

Moreover, grief can be a lonely and isolating experience, and flowers can provide comfort and support in contrast. They can serve as a visual reminder that your loved one is not alone and that there are people who care and are thinking of them.

An essentials gift basket

Often when one is grieving, the last thing on their mind is taking care of themselves. They may be too busy dealing with funeral arrangements or not in the mind space to put themselves first. 

As such, a gift basket full of essentials such as ready-made meals, instant coffee, a free-babysitter pass, a cozy blanket, soothing tea, candles, and a journal. This can encourage your friend to take time for themselves and prioritize their mental health, even though it may be difficult.

Comfort food

Similar to the point above, comfort food is another thoughtful gift idea. As mentioned earlier, when someone is grieving, they may not feel up to cooking or may have lost their appetite. Consider making them a meal or bringing them their favourite comfort food

Although this may seem like a classic, it ensures they have an arsenal of food ready when they feel like eating. This can provide much-needed nourishment and care during a difficult time.

Memory book

One of the most painful parts of losing a loved one is feeling like you are no longer and can never be connected to them again. As such, creating a scrapbook or photo album filled with memories of the loved one they lost can help your friend feel connected to their loved one and provide comfort during this difficult time. 

It can be a beautiful tribute to their life and a reminder that they will always be loved and remembered. We encourage you to exert caution with this gift as, sometimes, people do not want to be reminded of their memories with their loved ones until their grief has subsided. 

Personalized message or jewellery 

If you liked the idea of the gift above but are unsure about making a memory book or scrapbook, another way to pay tribute to their life is with another piece with personalized significance. 

You know your friend best, so the ‘piece’ can be anything: a necklace with the deceased’s initials, an engraved guitar pick if they enjoyed playing the guitar, a customized picture frame with a picture of them, or even a pair of shoes with their name painted if they happen to be particular to them. This can be a comforting way for your friend to keep their loved one close to them and feel connected.