Blog · December 28, 2023

Best Small Living Room Staging Ideas

The home is where the heart is when making a property your own. No matter your living arrangement, it is yours to enjoy and relax in. Even those who have limited real estate can find that there are opportunities to take advantage of. If you want to stage this home for a sale, you have to think outside the box.

Each room in your smaller home must be approached with strategy in mind. Therefore, focus on these main areas before tending to other spaces. The living room is a great place to begin with regarding staging.

For those who have a small living room, be sure to use the following inspiration and ideas.

Living Room Staging Idea #1: Primary Colours

First and foremost, what are you generally drawn to as a person entering a property? More often than not, the colour of the walls and ceilings will usually be noted. As a result, you should always begin evaluating the colours in your small living room. Unless there is enough real estate, it is advised to stick with neutral colours.

For example, you can do no wrong by wearing a white shade for this particular space. White allows natural light to enter and bounce off quite easily. If you are not a fan of the standard white shade, a cream hue can do the trick. That way, everything else inside of the space will be balanced out.

Living Room Staging Idea #2: Furniture Rental

You may not have enough funds to put certain things inside your home. After all, accessories and design costs can add up. Real estate professionals, such as stagers, will advise clients to rent furniture pieces to solve that issue. All you have to do is visit a business that offers a furniture rental service.

You should speak to a customer service representative and inquire about what is required for your needs. Once you are finished, place your order and wait for the items to be delivered. Then, you can use them for all your staging purposes before sending them back. It takes the stress of staging off of your shoulders quite easily!

Living Room Staging Idea #3: Placement

No matter how big or small, a living room will consist of various elements and items. There will be furniture inside and, most of the time, some entertainment options. A coffee table may also be inside to place meals and drinks on top. In this regard, you want to ensure you think about where exactly these items are positioned.

Regarding smaller living rooms, the best tactic to apply here is to think of movement pathways. This relates to where exactly people will be moving inwards and outwards. If you can facilitate a natural pathway for walking inside the living room, you will ensure that there aren’t obstructions.

Living Room Staging Idea #4: Use Distance

At the same time, you should also consider how much distance you need between you and what’s inside. For example, if you have a TV inside of the living room, how far is it placed? Moreover, how far are the coffee table and seating arrangement from each other? It may seem hard to deliberate due to less real estate, but it is not impossible.

All you have to do is gauge the space between every element inside the living room. Use your best judgment, and move things away from each other if they are huddled too closely. The advantage of doing this is creating a visual that emphasizes spacing. This is possible for staging, even with a smaller living room!

Living Room Staging Idea #5: Lighting

As mentioned, natural sunlight will bounce off and reflect off a white-coloured wall. Should your home not be in a position to allow for this, think about your lighting systems. Use secondary sources to illuminate your space in a personable way.

Living Room Staging Idea #6: Floor Rug

You’d be surprised to find how effective a large rug in the living room can be. Place it in the centre of the space, and then reorganize your furniture around it. The inevitable visual results in a complete look for your living room.

Living Room Staging Idea #7: Invite Comfort

A living room is supposed to facilitate a feeling of comfort and relaxation. If you are staging a smaller living room, be sure not to forget this guiding principle. For example, this can simply come by adding fluffy pillows to your standard sofa. Nothing beats the feeling of comfortable seating for long periods of sitting!