Blog · December 30, 2023

6 Remedies for Stay-At-Home Dad Depression

Research has shown that a large segment of our global population experiences challenges with mental health. While the actual affliction may vary from person to person, these challenges can be arduous. You may be having a great start to your day, only to have it crash before your very eyes an hour later.

Those who are parents may face a different type of challenge when it comes to mental health illnesses, too. A stay-at-home dad experiencing depression, for example, may feel as if they are hanging on by a thread. While certain tasks may seem impossible, know that support is always available.

Use these remedies to tackle your depression as a stay-at-home dad.

1. Involving Children

Things can be particularly troublesome for a dad who stays home to look after the kids. That is because you mask your feelings so your kids cannot see you at a low point. However, you should always remember not to put these constraints on your kids.

It is perfectly fine to walk your kids through how an adult may feel when faced with certain mental health issues. Try not to relay those experiences to your kids when things get to an emotional boiling point. It will make you feel even worse and harm their emotional development.

2. Find an Outlet

It may not be an all-encompassing tool to cure depression, but having an outlet is incredibly important. This refers to having a side hobby to engage with or doing something as a productive distraction. You may, for instance, enjoy going for brisk walks around the local neighbourhood.

Or, hitting the gym and getting in a good sweat can take your mind off things. This hobby is especially helpful for those in a mental rut. Whatever you decide to go with, make sure that it is something you enjoy and make time for. Everyone needs an outlet outside of their family life, especially a parent.

3. Counselling

Depression is regarded as an illness all around, and it is something that requires treatment to get better. When one thinks of treatment in this regard, therapy is generally the first approach that comes to mind. Speak to a therapist and determine if a systemized approach is available.

Over the next few weeks, your counsellor or therapist will walk you through your feelings. It is done to get to the root of a specific issue so that you can implement the right solutions. Of course, this will take up a significant amount of time. However, you can rest assured that your thoughts do not make you a bad person.

4. Online Psychotherapist

For those who cannot access an in-person counsellor, for whatever reason, there may be virtual options present. In this regard, try to search for online psychotherapists who provide services related to depression. The best part about their services is that they can be finetuned to meet a certain field.

Stay-at-home dads normally have specific mental issues that they are trying to work through. That is why speaking to online psychotherapy services is the best path forward so that you can find the right answers. Virtual settings can also be quite comfortable like their in-person counterpart. With enough time and dedication, you will find the answers you seek!

5. Medicinal Treatments

When it comes to remedies for treating depression, medicine will eventually be brought up. Like any other illness, a healthcare specialist will advise patients to take their medication. For mental health struggles, a certain dosage of a certain type of medication may be required.

Speak to your doctor about what can be available to you. Once you get the right prescription, you can take the medication as the recommended dosage requires. You may feel a bit awkward taking medication for a mental health issue, but it is vital not to think of it that way. After all, you should consider any solutions, within reason, to get better.

6. Remember Yourself

With the advent of social media, most of us may find ourselves playing the comparison game. We tend to compare our accomplishments to others to our detriment. Couple that with the fact that you are staying home to watch your kids, and things may feel lonely or depressing.

It is crucial to remember who you are as a person once you feel depression creeping along. Depression has become less stigmatized over the last few years, and you can freely speak about how you feel. It will only be a matter of time before you return to your ordinary and confident fatherly self!